tisdag 28 juni 2016

Tack Vinnova och Promobilia för finansiellt stöd med möjlighet till följdinvesteringar!

Projektledare Pamela Lindgren Industridesigner MFA. 

Medverkade parter har varit IMIT, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset samt Göteborgs Stad, Förebyggande och Hälsofrämjande arbete för äldreomsorg och hemsjukvård, SDF Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo. Göteborgs Stad, Ordinärt boende och Förebyggande enheten, Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo. Göteborgs Stad, Hemsjukvård och Rehabilitering, Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo.Parter har medverkat med representanter för målgrupperna personer med rörelse- och funktionsvariationer och medhjälpare som anhöriga, hem- och sjukvårdsmedarbetare. Också privatpersoner med rörelse och funktionsvariationer har medverkat.

Movetto- Home Assistance

The aim was to develop an attractive, functional personal transport for easy use on short distances indoors, easily manoeuvrable by the user alone. The goal was to produce a prototype suitable for further investment.  The aim and goal have been fulfilled. A user-centred development process was applied, giving attention to the interplay between person and technology. The prototype thus produced is suitable for further investment with the aim of continued development into a commercial product.  
The main result is a Beta prototype in a concept suitable for further investment. The Beta prototype has the potential of meeting the various functional needs and demands of a broad target group. The Beta prototype is a concept that can be developed in a number of variations adapted to individual considerations.
The development process (concept, functional tests, analysis and evaluation of prototypes including components and construction) has been completed according to plan.  This includes: studies of users and identification of needs including identification of demands and evaluation; the transmutation of user needs and statistical analyses into technical analyses with function and demand specifications; and the technical concept analysis of prototypes by functional tests and risk analyses.