About The Gothenburg University Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC) "The University of Gothenburg and Sahlgrenska University Hospital have a strong tradition of clinical research. GPCC is a research centre conducting clinical and applied research. GPCC was established in 2010, with support from the Swedish government's strategic investment in health and care research. The overarching objective is to support and carry out high quality research relating to person-centred care. This research aims to enhance knowledge surrounding how long term illness is experienced and handled by the individual, as well as to implement and evaluate person-centred care in practice. In 2017, the Swedish government extended the centre’s commission for an additional five years." Text and image Retweeted from: https://gpcc.gu.se/english/about-gpcc/?languageId=100001&disableRedirect=true&returnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgpcc.gu.se%2Fom-gpcc%2F 2019-06-25